Have you ever had one of those times when you need to make a decision with less than “perfect information”?
Some examples:
You want a new job, and there is a position open at another company. But the job is different than what you have done before and you are not really sure if you REALLY want to go through the hassle of making application, going through the interview process and maybe (or maybe not) getting the new job?
Your living situation is not quite right and the real estate market in your neighborhood is getting better. Should you sell everything and move to Bora Bora? Stay where you are and embrace the situation? Or spend 6 months here and 6 months there?
Truthfully folks, when do we really ever have ALL of the information we think we need at our fingertips? I want to share with you a way to get past your boring (and truly not very useful) pros and cons list:
1. Find a notebook and a writing implement and have it accessible at the end of this exercise.
2. Your whole body wants to be included in this process so, start by going outside and getting some exercise. Have a dog? Great! Take your pooch for a walk. No dog? Great! Take yourself for a walk or a ski, or a swim or anything else that you LIKE to do. The goal here is to choose a task where you can do something repetitively and hopefully work up a little sweat.
Before you start out:
3. Ask your eyes to visualize the perfect solution.
4. Ask your ears to listen for clues to answer your question.
5. Ask your nose to smell the perfect things that will trigger a memory that will help you.
6. Ask your hands, feet and skin to inform you of how this decision will be felt on your external side.
7. Ask your internal organs to inform you of how this decision will be felt on your internal side.
8. Then start out on your walk, swim, whatever and pay attention! Yes, this means leaving your electronic devices at home and this also means taking time to be alone – no friends get to join you. Multi tasking is NOT an advantage here.
9. When you are finished with the exercise portion, find a space where you will be un-interrupted.
10. Take a moment to remember everything that you experienced, saw, smelled, heard, visualized etc.
11. Write a letter (or if you are more picture oriented, draw something) to describing everything you experienced no matter how small.
12. Put everything away.
13. Go about your day/evening/night.
14. The next day take out your piece, your art, your writing: whatever you created.
15. Read it, look at it, and then describe to someone else what you find there.
16. While you are describing it, have your friend write down what you say
17. Thank your friend
18. No one else available? Say it OUT LOUD to yourself and take your own notes.
I guarantee you will have a MUCH clearer picture about what will be the best thing for YOU.
Take action!
Isn’t it exciting when we use more than just our brains to make decisions?
Will you try it? Please let me know how it goes for YOU!
Original post: December 26, 2010
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