I am spending the month of August 2012 writing for my pals over at Faith Squared. Here is a little bit about the site:
Faith Squared is the joyously inspired collaboration of Michele Morgan and Alizabeth Rasmussen. Best friends, sisters of the heart, co-conspirators in the pursuit of Awesomely Pretentious Words, irreverent humor, and everyday proof that not only does God exist, He pays attention.
A single impassioned (and divinely timed) conversation about their respective love affairs with language and writing led to other conversations, and the discovery of a mutual, even more impassioned hunger for intimate relationship with God. Crazy-powerful friendship ensued.
Faith Squared is the heart-child of that friendship, a divine fusion of shared devotions, fueled by a desire to inspire others to find God every day in real life.
One of the most magical things about our friendship is having someone to bear witness to the real life miracles and struggles of the spiritual process…a kindred spirit who’s hiking the same trail, so to speak. Faith grows exponentially when it’s recognized and shared by a sympathetic soul.
We want more than anything to give others a chance to have that same recognition and support on their journey. And since building a monastery is still a few years out
, we figured there’s no better use for modern technology than creating a showplace for God.
Faith shared is Faith Squared. And this website is a unique place for sharing stories about God. Blog posts, photographs, interviews, videos, music, anecdotes, resources, comics, ways to connect with and engage in the divine… a kind of cyber sanctuary, where you can stop, take a break from the everyday wackiness of life, come back to the heart, and find hope and inspiration and humor to take out with you into the world again.
God of friendship
we come to know you
through the grace of one another.
Weave us together with kindred spirits,
knit us more closely with friends of the soul,
gather us into your great wide heart,
so we might discover the One in many,
and the many in One.
–Christine Valters Paintner
One blog, two voices. Tales of joy and failure, loss and triumph, the universality of love and fear and friendship and possibility—told through the everyday perspective of a couple of seriously cool chicks who believe in the power of words and the infallibility of angels.
Through their stories, Michele and Liz will give you new insight into your own…and the ability to reframe your experiences in a way that makes room for God and everyday miracles.
Please pop over to Faith Squared to read if you would like to peruse the site or just look below:
Calling me Home
Living in the suburbs, I often hear people walking along, calling names aloud.
They are calling for lost animals – usually dogs.
The dog is sometimes found and sometimes…….I see a picture…….with a phone number to call…….hanging on a telephone pole for a long, long time.
The other day a woman walked up and down my street, calling, calling, calling.
There was no response.
Her attention to her task got me thinking –
I wonder if god is sometimes out there calling for me?
Reaching out when I am not responding to the nudges and grace that is all around.
Is goddess out there singing my name when I am in one of my foul moods?
I decided that the answer is yes.
There is a poster up for me from time to time.
Luckily, when I am wandering, I hear a voice or see an old sign with a number I barely recognize.
Sometimes, I go in the direction of that sign.
From that point, I know that I matter in the grand scheme of things and can start the process of leading myself back home.
Upon further reflection, I decided it would be good to ask myself a few questions when I found myself wandering in the future:
Is someone calling you?
Do you think there is a poster for you hanging just ahead?
What are some signs that you need to lead you home?
Perhaps I will even hang a sign some place out there…….just in case.
* * * * *
Click here for the story about the dog in the cloud photo that accompanies this post.
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